The revolutionary healing techniques of The Nysa Method are dramatically brought to life in SECONDHAND GIRL – the inspiring, new psychological memoir from Amazon Books.
Thirty foster care homes, twelve psychiatric hospitalizations, four drug rehabs, fifteen therapists, and six years of over-medication – plus decades of cutting, alcoholism, paranoid withdrawal, and rage – all within a borderline personality life that should have ended in tragedy but instead ended in full recovery and a joyful life with her husband and three children. How did it happen?
Secondhand Girl: From Foster Care to Borderline Personality to Peace provides a gripping first-hand account of one woman’s heroic journey from a childhood of abuse and neglect, through her 20-year struggle with borderline personality disorder (BPD), to the therapeutic relationship that freed her from her past and allowed her to be the happy and fulfilled person she is today. Rebecca Miller’s brutally honest life story is interspersed with simple, clear explanations by her therapist, Dr. Stephen Diggs, on how the seeds of BPD are sown and nurtured—and what must happen to the person with BPD for them to become well again.
Whether you suffer from borderline personality disorder, know someone who does,or treat the condition professionally, Secondhand Girl willbring you deeper into understanding the heart and mind of both the patient and the therapist, This unique and powerful story may also help you understand yourself better as well.
Available in soft cover and e-book from
Nysa Therapy’s mission is to build the skills and knowledge of therapeutic professionals using a variety of time-tested techniques carefully combined by Dr. Stephen Diggs to effectively heal personality disorders.
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