Things are Happening!
It’s been a pretty crazy couple of years since we opened the doors of Nysa Therapy here on Rio Lindo Avenue in April 2016. We wanted to be both a clinic and a place of learning. Our goal was to genuinely help out our patients using our integrative methods of Nysa Therapy and put the Nysa Method to the test through hands-on experience and therapist development. Dr. Diggs had been working on his unique approach to understanding and treating personality disorders for at least 20 years before he started working with Mary Wittenberg at refining the theory to be more “user friendly.” The clinic opened shortly after they started working together with one masters level therapist (me) and the belief that this theory would not only be highly effective, but also highly teachable.
Here we are almost 2.5 years later and we now have a staff of 4 therapists working with Dr. Diggs at practicing, developing and teaching the Nysa Method, we’ve rapped up a free Monday night discussion group and we’re launching the pilot program of our Therapist Development Training at the end of this month. We’ve also been busy creating content for our online learning management system (LMS), which we hope to launch by Fall 2019. This LMS will include role-play and lecture videos, animated PowerPoints, reading materials, tests and a certification in the Nysa Method. We’ve even set up a little video studio right here in our office to make videos and record voice-overs. Needless to say, we’re pretty excited about all of this and looking forward to bringing the Nysa Method to as many therapists as possible.